Back in 2003...
In the year of 2003, Briercrest students Dwight Stephens and Winston Pines had the desire to start up a dance group. They both had background training in dance and had a passion to use dance to glorify God. They floated the idea around the student body and, after much discussion and planning, the team launched in January 2004 under the name “Refined,” inspired by Zechariah 13:9.
"This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, 'They are my people,' and they will say, 'The LORD is our God."
“Undignified” came later, from 2 Samuel 6:22. David danced with all his might before the Lord, exclaiming boldly:
"I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes for my Lord.”
In our first year there were about 8-10 people, including Adrian Webber. In our inaugural year, the team practiced once or twice a week, and had only two performances: one in Saskatoon and one in Caronport, the latter of which was the first of the now-annual year end shows. This team never dreamed of or planned to become a touring team, but began simply as a group of students who just wanted to dance together.
The following school year, Dwight did not return to Briercrest, and Refined/Undignified was going to end unless someone else stepped into Dwight’s leadership role. Adrian followed what he felt was God’s leading and joined fellow Youth Ministry student Winston Pines in leadership. At that year’s outset, 90 people came to join our team, and at that point, not having an audition process and unsure of how to “cut” people, we moved forward. That 90 eventually dwindled down to around 25 consistent members. (Since then we have learned that a team of around 10 is the best size for touring.) As RU has grown, we have established a thorough tryout and application process that examines both dance/movement ability as well as their character and heart for our ministry.
When Refined/Undignified was formed, dancing was actually prohibited in the Briercrest student Code of Conduct, so you can imagine the struggle we had to get started; initially, we had to jump through a lot of hoops to gain trust and respect from the institution and surrounding community. However, as time went on and as RU emerged as a ministry committed to reaching the lost and broken, the leadership of Briercrest caught our vision and we are now we have a great partnership with Briercrest and promote them as we tour. We are consistently backed up and supported by Briercrest College, Caronport High School, and the entire community of Caronport, SK.
"This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, 'They are my people,' and they will say, 'The LORD is our God."
“Undignified” came later, from 2 Samuel 6:22. David danced with all his might before the Lord, exclaiming boldly:
"I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes for my Lord.”
In our first year there were about 8-10 people, including Adrian Webber. In our inaugural year, the team practiced once or twice a week, and had only two performances: one in Saskatoon and one in Caronport, the latter of which was the first of the now-annual year end shows. This team never dreamed of or planned to become a touring team, but began simply as a group of students who just wanted to dance together.
The following school year, Dwight did not return to Briercrest, and Refined/Undignified was going to end unless someone else stepped into Dwight’s leadership role. Adrian followed what he felt was God’s leading and joined fellow Youth Ministry student Winston Pines in leadership. At that year’s outset, 90 people came to join our team, and at that point, not having an audition process and unsure of how to “cut” people, we moved forward. That 90 eventually dwindled down to around 25 consistent members. (Since then we have learned that a team of around 10 is the best size for touring.) As RU has grown, we have established a thorough tryout and application process that examines both dance/movement ability as well as their character and heart for our ministry.
When Refined/Undignified was formed, dancing was actually prohibited in the Briercrest student Code of Conduct, so you can imagine the struggle we had to get started; initially, we had to jump through a lot of hoops to gain trust and respect from the institution and surrounding community. However, as time went on and as RU emerged as a ministry committed to reaching the lost and broken, the leadership of Briercrest caught our vision and we are now we have a great partnership with Briercrest and promote them as we tour. We are consistently backed up and supported by Briercrest College, Caronport High School, and the entire community of Caronport, SK.